Ammar Ahmed
2 min readJun 19, 2021


Last Session at Amal Academy

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.-Semisonic

At one time or the other, all of us need to say farewell to other people however it’s anything but a troublesome one, and yet, it’s truly critical to gain from the experience one had all through the excursion.

My journey with Amal was awesome. “Quickly, life passes you by.” The three-month time span found some conclusion with wonderful recollections. I had invested energy gathering such countless collections memories and building up such brilliant fellows, but it's time to say goodbye to such beautiful days of my life.

Saying Goodbye

The last session was so promising, fulfilling, uplifting and interactive!. Everyone was sharing their experience for the past three months' journey and sharing more with each other. It was somewhat like our session. Why? Since in both the meetings we didn’t have the idea what to say. We didn’t have the idea what to say in the first weeks as we were new to the situation and fellows, similarly, we didn’t have a clue what to say in the last meeting as we were ignorant and not ready to end the fellowship journey. It’s anything but a pitiful yet cheerful meeting since we as a whole were there. We all made it to the last session and it was tragic that it was for one last time.

We really had some fun activities in our last session while playing scavenger hunt, playing games, sharing pictures, videos that were made compiling the whole fellowship journey and all. We also thank our PM and PA for presenting flashcards with a thank you note, which was no doubt the most emotional moment for everyone. with all these lovely memories the journey came to an end.

As one truly Said, “Time Moves in One Direction, memories Moves in Other Direction”

Batch 188 Virtual Graduation

Being part of Amal’s fellowship has inculcated me with skills that I can use in more than just the professional area of my life. I am thankful for the things I’ve learned from each and every session, online courses, teachers, and many of the fellows. Ending my fellowship by expressing gratitude to Amal Academy and its personnel for providing us with the opportunity to learn and experience and enhance our personalities.

Signing off with gratitude :)